“Music is my island”
I am happy to pass on my contagious enthusiasm for music from a wide variety of cultures – especially handpan + tongue drum improvisation – to interested people of all ages. My particular passion belongs to team building projects, such as DrumCircles + also SoundJourneys for stress reduction and relaxation.
Communication – almost without words – is this possible? – A DrumCircle as a supportinformationen program on you company event.
No time for mindfulness? – Enjoy fascinating sound worlds.
Sound World concert in 3 parts: communicative, active and réceptive.
Living inclusion actively – singing with LUG (Lautsprache unterstützenden Gebärden = gestrüpp supportant smoken language)
Mucic(ian) life
My life with music from my 1st day in life until today …
– at a glance –
With thanks to my lecturers for their inspiration!
Enthusiasm for music – my parents + 7 siblings
Piano – Katharina Hillebrandt
Singing + voice training – Angela Gabriel
À-cappalla singing – Michael Suhl
Music Therapy – IEK
Ukulele Blues – Stu Fuchs
Rhythm + Body Percussion – Tamburi Mundi
Cajón + Frame Drum – Tamburi Mundi
Gong – Alexander J. Renner
Handpan – David Kuckhermann
Singing + Songwriting for Handpan – Amy Naylor
Playing Hand Puppets – Olaf Möller
With my special life experience as a relative, who provided intensive care and ultimately palliative care for my eldest son Matthias, who has been severely disabled since birth, I see a focus in “lived inclusion” – not only theoretically, but very practically + realistically! Experiences from my work in the speech therapy Kindergarten at the “St. Lukasheim” in Papenburg also benefit me here.
When words are missing …
Individual offers for hospice associations + palliative stations
Sensitive musical accompaniment in the last hours – also in retirement homes
Handpan music at funerals, in the FriedWald (burial forest)
Please, contact me.
My instruments
Vocals: Many years of experience in choirs – preferably à cappella, solo vocals, voice training
Guitar / Ukulele from soprano to bass: As an accompanying instrument
Piano / Electric Piano – recently Accordion
Drums & Percussion: Djembé, Congas, Bass Drums, Bongos, Cajón, Slit Drum, Framedrum, Ocean Drum, Calabash, Handpan, Steel Drum
Aerophones + wind instruments: Didgeridoo, American Native Flute, Bluesharp
Stringed instruments: Koto + Tambura + Monochord = KoTaMo, Kalevala
Sound: Handpan, Steel Tongue Drum, TamTamGong, Wind Gong, Singing Bowls, Chrystal Bowl, Chimes, Sound Bars, Bells, Cymbals, Kalimba, Sansula …